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9th Corinth Canal SUP Crossing 2019

On Sunday September 22nd 2019, the vessel traffic in the Corinth Canal was interrupted once more, for the 530 paddlers, lined up just before the sinking bridge of Isthmia for the 9th Annual Corinth Canal SUP Crossing.

All participants felt the awe of this historic canal, which its first conception was made by Periandros, tyrant of Corinth in 602 B.C. This year registered paddlers exceeded every forecast, surpassing by far any previous record, with over 550 participations from every corner of Greece and lot of other countries like Cyprus, U.K., France, Austria, Germany, Finland, Russia, Ukraine and Turkey.

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Registration CLOSED for “9th Corinth Canal SUP Crossing”

Registered participations for “9th Corinth Canal SUP Crossing” has exceeded every forecast.

After the last post with the list of “successful” and “pending” registrations on 12/9/19, the total number of participations reaches 500!! As this number was set as the maximum limit for the event, organizers “closed” the registrations, and many that were interested did not make it on time! Read more “Registration CLOSED for “9th Corinth Canal SUP Crossing””